Number of products: 33MIHARA YASUHIRO is famous for the mix of ancient craft processes and new-age experimental designs. The brand specializes in high-quality outdoor gear, particularly sleeping bags and down jackets. But that is not all since the flagship products include Sleeping bags, down jackets, vests, and other insulated outdoor clothing.
Maison MIHARA YASUHIRO brief history
Here is a quick overview of the history of the Maison MIHARA YASUHIRO brand. Japanese designer Mihara Yasuhiro created it in 1997, which represents avant-garde fashion and shoes. From humble beginnings in Tokyo, it has today become a prominent name in the fashion world globally.
Did you know this about MIHARA YASUHIRO?
MIHARA YASUHIRO is famous for its runway collection. Such shows are a combination of excellent performing art with a pinch of beauty and theatrics. The events are not only a platform to exhibit the latest collections but also experiences in themselves.
Prominent products
This designer from Tokyo has gained a fast-built reputation in the fashion world. Mihara Yasuhiro had an idea to create fashion is that free from the limitations of regular clothing but with high quality. It became all the more famous globally when its creative designs were prominently displayed widely through association with brands like Puma. The brand is also known for producing a variety of goods. Let's go over them in more detail to give you a better idea:
Sneakers are one of their flagship products. The good thing about it is that their shoes last a long time and they are high in quality. These sneakers often feature unconventional shapes, bold colors, and intricate details. This unique experimentation makes them a statement piece in any outfit. The perfect pair of sneakers is for those who want a fresh taste in their wardrobe without sacrificing quality.
Maison MIHARA YASUHIRO's ready-to-wear collection symbolizes an entire gamut of experimental garments. They can bring together traditional styling and modern design elements. The collection comprises a combination of jackets and trousers, viewing the impeccable attention to detail; and extra-wide shirts. These are breaking the conventional silhouette; and dresses with elegance, but still modern with their feel. Being part of the brand's clothed line, each piece shares its meaning regarding boundaries crossed and fashion norms redefined. Unique textures, innovative cuts, or bold patterns—the clothing of Maison MIHARA YASUHIRO speaks and pushes boundaries in the fashion industry.
Maison MIHARA YASUHIRO accessories display the same character and originality as his clothes or shoes. Every single accessory aims to provide exclusive templates, fabrics, and styles that define them as separate pieces. From functional-to-statement bags to hats that perk up your daily grind and creative belts to create cool detailing with outlandish jewelry, you can get everything you need.
Pair clothing and shoes without any issues in Maison MIHARA YASUHIRO store
Maison MIHARA YASUHIRO has established itself as a leading brand in avant-garde fashion, known for its unique designs, high-quality craftsmanship, and innovative approach to fashion. The Maison MIHARA YASUHIRO online store offers you cotton trousers that you can pair with a white t-shirt and Plimsolls Peterson Low sneakers.